To some, a family photo shoot might seem like an unnecessary expense; I get that, in a world that’s so pricey, it’s surely a luxury – My photography is affordable and important. Have a read below and let’s see if you agree.
1. Kids are a’growing
At this time of year, you don’t have to be an avid Facebook user to be slapped in the face by 32,983 images of kids in school uniform with captions such as ‘Never thought this day would come’ or ‘how did this happen’ or ‘fingers crossed they’re not as naughty as I was…’ but the stark truth is, kids, grow up so flipping fast. They’re chubby and cute for 5 mins. You’ll want to remember those 5 minutes when they’re throwing their hairbrush at a slammed door…
2. Mobile phones ruin photography
I mean… no they don’t, that’s melodramatic, phone cameras are amazing, but I really wanted you to read on. My point is that when we were kids, there was an old red and gold album of us aged 3, wearing our mum’s high-heeled shoes, then later sporting horrendous shell suits and acne breakouts (you’re getting a real window into my childhood here) Now, we have thousands, THOUSANDS of photos on our phones, our computers and none in those red and gold albums to pore over in 20 years time.
3. The awkward family photo…
I don’t know about you guys, but the only photos that existed of us as an F-unit when my brother and I were young, were those taken by strangers on holiday flagged down by my wildly gesticulating dad, pointing in turn at his camera and us, in the international sign for ‘please take a picture of my family’ while we grimaced and muttered under our breaths. There are therefore 2 or 3 photos from each trip, badly framed and slightly blurry with fixed smiles and forced poses. A family photoshoot will ensure you are all involved and have the time to relax and be natural (plus my framing & focus is pretty on point)
4. Christmas comes round every year
I am terrible for leaving Christmas shopping until the last minute. I hate it. I want to give my family what they want, but with 2 children, Christmas craft fayres, carol concerts, nativity shows, office parties chuck in a badly planned birthday and Christmas is just a stress overload. An hour-long family photoshoot & an online visit to Photobox once the kids are in bed leads to a load of Christmas presents that everyone will love PLUS frames are so bloody easy to wrap!
5. Nothing is forever
Not that I want to get all maudlin here… but no one has ever, ever said ‘look at all these photos, I wish I didn’t have as many as this!’ or ‘No, I don’t like looking at photos of my kids when they were young’ You will never regret a family photoshoot, you take an hour out of your life to mess around in the countryside with the people you love most in the world… what’s not to like.
Give me a shout, you know it makes sense.